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We offer same day appointments mornings, evenings and weekends. We're here when you need us. Testing and Treatment!

Dr. Mones has authored textbooks on         Sexually Transmitted Disease

STD Testing and Treatment at our office.


Miami STD CLINIC is your source for immediate, discrete testing and treatment for sexually transmitted disease in Miami, FL.      


Miami STD CLINIC offers:

  • Simple! Call 305-494-0536

  • Fast! Same day testing    

  • Reliable! Certified laboratories      

  • Comfortable! Modern Office

  • Affordable! Reasonable fees

  • Discrete

  • Confidential! No one else needs to know

  • Educational! Private Counseling

  • PEP Post exposure prophylaxis HIV

  • PREP Pre exposure prophylaxis HIV


Dr. Harris Mones, the director of Miami STD Clinic, is a recognized expert in the field of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and has authored a chapter on Condylloma in a medical textbook widely used in medical schools to teach student physicians, Pfenninger Procedures For Primary Care.






Click on the name of the STD to visit the MIAMI STD CLINIC resource center and learn more about each STD.


  • Gonorrhea is a very common infectious disease. CDC estimates that more than 700,000 persons in the U.S. get new gonorrheal infections each year.

  • Chlamydia is the most frequently reported bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Severe cases can cause infertility.

  • Herpes is caused by a virus and most people have few if any symptoms associated with this infection. When symptoms do arise most commonly there are small blisters.

  • HPV is a very common sexually transmitted disease that may cause cancer and greater thjan 50 % of sexually active people will acquire this infection at some point in their life.

  • HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus may be passed from one person to another when infected blood, semen, or vaginal secretions come in contact with an uninfected person’s broken skin or mucous membranes.

  • Syphillis is known as the great immitator because it's signs and symptoms can look like many other diseases.

  • Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that attacks the liver. The virus, which is called hepatitis B virus (HBV), can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, and death.

  • Herpes is present in 1 in 4 people whether they show signs or not


STD Exam Prices:

The following discounted price schedule applies to all patients who pay in full for services at the time they are rendered:

Consultation Fee: $135

This includes the consultation with the doctor / physician assistant.


Tremendous confusion exists as to what exactly is a thorough check up for STD’s. Patients in search of answers and peace of mind turn to independent laboratories advertising “complete STD screening”, “STD testing or STD examinations”. The patients simply have a blood and or urine test and are never questioned as to their symptoms, sexual history, prior medical history and do not receive any type of physical examination, all of which are required to determine which tests are appropriate for that particular individual’s STD EXAM. 


This often times results in either a false sense of security that one is free of STD’s or can frequently result in marked anxiety, fear and confusion when positive results are obtained and there is no one to turn to for assistance in understanding the meaning of those STD exam results and for receiving treatment. 

At Miami STD Clinic specific tests are recommended for specific types of individuals without symptoms and other testing is needed for those with symptoms based upon what specific symptoms they are experiencing. The appropriate testing is determined during your consultation. This is also your opportunity to learn and ask questions regarding your STD concerns.

STD Lab Test s for Common STD's
Syphilis Test - Blood (RPR)
Chlamydia / Gonorrhea Usually performed together as these two diseases are frequently found together. - Urine
HIV test - Blood - Results available 24 - 48 hours
HIV test - Same Day results available 20 minutes
Herpes test Type 1 and Type 2 - Blood -
Hepatitis Profile - Blood -


The Centers for Disease released statistics in Oct 2016 revealing that sexually transmitted diseases in the United States are at an all-time high. There are greater than 110 million people infected with an STD.


Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and other STDs can cause significant and life threatening health problems. They increase the ease of contracting HIV and can lead to chronic pain and infertility.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

Miami STD Clinic Testing and treatment same day, PEP, PREP



2645 SW 37 Ave, Suite 502 Miami, FL 33133

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