PrEP: Preexposure Prophylaxis Helps Prevent HIV Infection
The best care

We can prescribe PrEP to you at our office.
If you are at high risk for HIV infection you should use condoms and consider PrEP.
If you are HIV negative an in an ongoing relationship with a HIV positive partner you should be on PrEP
If you are not in a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner that recently tested HIV negative and you are a gay or bisexual man who has had anal sex without using a condom or been diagnosed with an STD in the past 6 months you should be on PrEP.
If you are not in a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner that recently tested HIV negative and you are heterosexual man or woman who does not regularly use condoms during sex with partners of unknown HIV status who are at substantial risk of HIV infection (for example, people who inject drugs or women who have bisexual male partners) you should be on PrEP.
PrEP helps prevent the HIV virus from establishing an infection
The medication Truvada will need to be taken everyday
Daily PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%. Among IV drug abusers it reduces the risk by more than 70%.
You must be HIV negative to take PrEP and be HIV tested every 3 months while taking it.
If you have any questions about the PrEP or the services we offer please call us now. at 305 448-8134. You may click book an appointment below and schedule your own appointment online.
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